Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Garnet and January

garnet, birthstone jewelryThose who are born on January share the same birthstonewhich is Garnet or granatum in Greek, meaning pomegranate seed . It is a deepred-almost like a blazing stone, which is why Garnet is a fire element, a stonethat represents Love and Devotion, Faith and Sincerity .
Although the most common color for this birthstone jewelryis blood red, there is in fact a wide array of red shades. Pyrope is the mostintense red colored garnet while Almandrite is a deep red with a brownundertone. Spessartite is the combined or somewhat in the shades of red, brownand orange while Rhodorite s shade is raspberry to purple. This happens whenPryrope and Almandrite is combined together with some iron.
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