Friday, March 9, 2012

DIY: Potty Train Chart

The other day my 2.5 year old son said to me, "Maybe Santa will bring me a potty train for Christmas." I didn't understand what he meant, until later that day he mentioned that he wanted a potty train and big boy underwear. The whole time I had been talking about being potty trained his little mind thought of an actual Potty Train. He is so dang hilarious!
And so I was inspired by my little man, and came up with this potty chart.DIY: Potty Train ChartThe train actaully moves with the help of a magnet on the back of the poster and on the actual wooden train. DIY: Potty Train ChartWhen he goes potty he can move the train on the track, earn a sticker and earn a little piece of candy. Yea, I am serious about this and totally pulling out all the stops! DIY: Potty Train ChartEach time he goes potty he will put a sticker to put on the track. Once the entire track is filled we will take him on the local city Trax train as a reward.
I have stocked up on juice and other fun drinks. Every hour on the hour my phone's timer makes a choo choo sound and we head for the potty. While we are there we read books and watch potty movies on my iphone.
DIY: Potty Train ChartPlease oh please let this work!!! Wish me luck!DIY: Potty Train Chart
DIY: Potty Train Chart

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